Botox Approved for Pharmacists in Alberta

regulation & industry updates Mar 26, 2020
Pharmacists in Alberta are able to provide botulinum toxin injections (aka "Botox" and "Dysport") under the Alberta College of Pharmacists (ACP) approval to administer drugs by injection. Currently Alberta is the only province within Canada to formally approve the use of botulinum toxin for pharmacists. We recommend that Alberta pharmacists review the ACP’s Standards of Practice for Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians - which can be found on the Resource Centre section of their site.

Botox Training for Pharmacists: What Does this Mean?

After completing their training, Alberta pharmacists can now offer botulinum toxin treatments (ie: Botox/Dysport) for both aesthetic (fine lines and wrinkles) and therapeutic (migraines/headaches/TMD) treatments.

The PTIFA Advantage:

  • Anatomy & evidence-based training including online courses (e-Skull, e-Cadaver in L1) and an integrative landmarking cadaver lab
  • Learn the industry leading PTIFA Anatomic Landmark Template & Injection Techniques
  • The most extensive & comprehensive clinical training available in the world - inject 10+ patients in the hands-on
  • Learn both the therapeutic & aesthetic application of botulinum toxin and their synergy
  • Ability to immediately integrate into your practice and engage your entire team
  • A university-level education that has been used by various regulatory boards to establish the "Standard of Practice".

We are proud that PTIFA graduates experience increased practice revenue, improved patient care, the ability to reduce myofascial pain (headaches/migraines/TMD), increased patient loyalty and a highly engaged & motivated team.

Botox Training for Pharmacists: How to Begin

PTIFA recommends Alberta pharmacists take a minimum of the online Level 1 course, as well as the Level 2 hands-on in order to begin offering botulinum toxin as a service. Upon completion, a certificate will be provided upon and will demonstrate the highest standard of patient care training to the ACP.



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