Botox Office Integration for Dentists, Physicians & Nurses

training & educational resources Jun 03, 2019

Botox, dermal fillers, and facial rejuvenation... does it strike an interest for you? Dentists, physicians and nurses have likely heard of the different treatment offerings, however do you and your team know the foundations for integrating into your office and the key pearls for being successful?

Why Botox & Facial Rejuvenation?

Human beings, as individuals, like to look attractive; it is natural and there is nothing wrong with that. Some wear designer clothes and others drive expensive cars. Many attendees do not understand that the areas in which they live, for example Canada, USA, Australia, and the UK have the highest per capita use of Botox in the world. Our patients have heard about the “magic” of Botox. They have seen it in the media, Googled and read about it, and they know that for years other people have been enjoying the benefits of this treatment: looking younger, well-rested, happier; having improved self- confidence and self-esteem. It definitely affects how other people view us, increasing perceived knowledge and reflecting on personal income. These positive effects contribute to a more attractive individual.

Technology is changing fast; we keep up with this in the online Bonita Study Club with webinars & live hands-on sessions - we are quick adapters. Know what works and what does not achieve results. You must experience these treatments yourself!

It has been shown that baby boomers feel 10 years younger on the inside than what they see when they look in the mirror. It has also been shown that this group has a 50% divorce rate. Many of these people want an aesthetic makeover but they do not know how to ask for facial rejuvenation treatment; this is a very sensitive subject for many people.

Botox Office Integration: Key Pearls for Success

Botox-office-integrationAt PTIFA, we emphasize the importance of photography, of team training in photographic documentation, and of displaying before and after pictures throughout your office. Seeing these examples of successful treatments will stimulate your patients to ask questions, to think about what those treatments can do for them, and ultimately to ask for treatment.

A pearl: A consultation table or area will assist you to develop the ability to actively listen. For the medical practitioners, we will suggest that your practice creates a consultation area separate from the treatment area. It is important that you spend some private time, especially on the patient’s initial visit, to uncover their concerns and desires. This type of consultation is a common feature in dental practices.

Another pearl: Log-in to the online L1 course to view.

As novel technologies develop and become available, we at PTIFA believe it is important that you are able to knowledgeably discuss these with your patients. Our online Bonita Study Club provides us a platform to share with you our ongoing research through webinars and live video presentations. We are fast adaptors: if a new technique or technology proves superior, we will integrate it into our training programs.

Another pearl: Log-in to the online L1 course to view.

In improving a persons appearance when we are injecting the glabella, there are additional changes occurring. In the online Level 1 course, we will introduce you to the therapeutic effect Botox has on anxiety and depression. The therapeutic benefit of Botox allows you to feel better which will itself improve your appearance. These two effects, aesthetic and therapeutic, work synergistically to deliver the “Wow!” result we see in our patients. At PTIFA, we have developed the team focus and techniques to turn back the clock, and we want to share these with you.

To view all of Dr. Roberts' pearls and to learn how to effectively integrate Botox and facial rejuvenation into your dental or medical practice, register now for the online Level 1 course.


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