Dr. Roberts speaks on Botox and Implants for Oral Implantology Study Club in Vancouver

study club announcements & events Oct 01, 2017

Dr. Warren Roberts will be providing a guest lecture on how botulinum toxin (aka "Botox", "Dysport") is used to increase implant success at Dr. Fredrick Li's Oral Implantology Study Club in Vancouver, BC this coming January (2018). We are excited for this unique opportunity to speak with local Vancouver, BC dentists and their teams.

Lecture: Using Botulinum Toxin (aka Botox) to Increase Implant Success and for Improved Tooth Emergence

Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Speakers: Dr. Warren Roberts
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: British Columbia Dental Association (BCDA) Learning Center
Address: #110- 1765 W. 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC

Using botulinum toxin prior to implant surgery can enhance hard and soft tissue grafting success and aid in successful bone regeneration.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To understand how the muscles of the alveolar ridges can interfere with implant success
  2. To understand the importance of angiogenesis in graft and implant treatment
  3. To understand how relaxation of the musculature using botulinum toxin can enhance positive outcomes when placing implants.

Dr. Frederick Li received his dental degree from the University of Manitoba College of Dentistry. After graduating, Dr. Li moved to New York City and completed residency programs affiliated with Cornell Medical Center and Columbia University. Dr. Li is also a graduate of the Misch Implant Institute. In additional to offering dental service in Vancouver, BC, Dr. LI is a mentor for a variety of dental implant companies. He also instructs a variety of training programs on oral implantology and dental implant placement for fellow dentists. Dr. Li practices in Vancouver, BC.


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