Botox & Dermal Fillers in Dentistry Lecture | AACD 2018 Scientific Session | Chicago

study club announcements & events Aug 07, 2017

Join us at the upcoming American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) 2018 Scientific Session in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Warren Roberts and Dr. Jan Roberts will be giving three lectures on the use of botulinum toxin (aka "Botox") as well as the use of dermal fillers in dentistry. The conference will be held at McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago, Illinois. Visit our booth #911 at the conference and RSVP by completing the form below. The lectures are geared for dentists, dental assistants, hygienists and office managers.


Lecture #1) Using Botulinum Toxin to Improve Implant Success & Aesthetics

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018
Time:  9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Speaker: Dr. Warren Roberts, Dr. Jan Roberts
Room: TBA

The lecture will address Botox and implants: how botulinum toxin can be used prior to implant surgery to relax the muscles that insert into adjacent soft tissue and strongly influence success or failure.  The muscles that insert into the periodontium and affect  implant health and longevity will be reviewed. How muscle relaxation can aid vital angiogenesis by reducing subconscious habits, excessive muscular contraction and consequently improve implant integration will be discussed. Medications for anxiety and depression also influence the process. Botulinum toxin has a positive affect on anxiety and depression; the research will be presented.

In the future, botulinum toxin treatment, CT scans aiding dermal fillers, and bone/implant  placement will positively impact the 3D appearance of the face.

The future of botulinum toxin is the synergy between its therapeutic and cosmetic outcomes.


  1. Understand how relaxation of the musculature using botulinum toxin can enhance positive outcomes when placing implants
  2. Understand how the muscles surrounding the alveolar ridge can interfere with implant integration and how botulinum toxin can be used to relax them
  3. Understand how botulinum toxin can improve angiogenesis in graft and implant treatment


Lecture #2) Using Botulinum Toxin to Enhance the Ultimate Smile Design

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018
  2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Dr. Warren Roberts, Dr. Jan Roberts

Description: The frame around a cosmetic smile design needs to be attractive and appropriate or it detracts from the work of art it surrounds. Conversely, when the frame is complimentary and congruent with the smile it encompasses, the overall result is enhanced. Botulinum toxin can be effectively used to enhance the overall result of cosmetic smile makeovers.


  1. To discuss how micro, mini and macro esthetics all provide a frame for the teeth
  2. To illustrate how the use of botulinum toxin in conjunction with cosmetic dental procedures can affect a better outcome that traditional cosmetic dental treatment alone.
  3. To illustrate how botulinum toxin can influence the final outcome of a smile design using case studies.

Lecture #3) Using Dermal Fillers to Enhance the Ultimate Smile Design

Date: Friday, April 20, 2018
  2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Dr. Warren Roberts, Dr. Jan Roberts

Description: This course will review how dermal fillers are used to enhance the complete smile design. The diagnosis for dermal filler use and the patient consult will be presented using the new FACETEC software technology. Three separate appointments using the before & after functions will enable you to create the ideal rejuvenation with only the dental team and the patient aware of the subtle procedures. To achieve ideal patient care, the various injection techniques will be presented, including the new SoftFil €˜butterfly' injection system.

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the proper diagnosis of facial rejuvenation, when to use dermal fillers, how much and what type
  2. To use the ultimate software to diagnose, include the patient's wants, plus have instantaneous before & after  photographs
  3. To understand the current injection techniques, including the use of the SoftFil injection guide for ultimate patient care

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