Earn 30+ CE credits through the Online Botox Study Club

study club announcements & events Jun 01, 2020

In terms of helping our members navigate more online CE, we wanted to remind you that members can earn 30+ online CE credits through the online Study Club. Dr. Roberts has placed additional support videos reviewing each individual muscle of the face to further support you back in practice.

Online Botox Study Club: Video Highlights

  • Further develop your confidence and develop a deeper understanding of facial anatomy
  • The videos are broken down into 1-3 hour segments, with the chance to receive 30+ CE credits upon completion of the exam.
  • Share the videos under "Clinical Integration" with your team. Boost their confidence, their knowledge and improve practice integration. No extra charge for your team's access.

Online Botox Study Club: Video Overview

The following is a list of videos in the stud club and the number of CE units awarded upon completion of the exam. Members must achieve a minimum of 80%.

list of CE videos in the online botox study club
To register, click here. Members can log-in to access the videos through the online Member Portal.


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