How to Select A Patient Model for Your Botox Training Course

training & educational resources Oct 04, 2022

PTIFA offers the most extensive clinical experience available within the industry. In our Level 2 – Basic Botulinum Toxin course, you will receive a full day (8 hrs) of closely supervised hands-on training alongside a dedicated Instructor.

At the clinical hands-on you will participate in the PTIFAT Marking Template on each model in your operatory and will also have the opportunity to inject a specific area on each patient. This maximizes your hands-on experience in a controlled environment and provides you the opportunity to inject a variety of tissue types and treat 8+ cases.

Each practitioner is required to provide at least one patient model at the course. So who is a candidate & how do you select a Botox patient model?

Botox Candidates: Ideal Patient Model

Each practitioner will need to provide a patient model for either for aesthetic treatment in the upper face (glabella, frontalis, crows feet, brow lift) or for therapeutic treatment (bruxing, grinding, clenching, pain, headaches, migraines). Patient models are there to provide the maximum injection experience and so aesthetic models must have a minimum of three areas treated. Should you prefer to have more experience in therapeutic markings & injections, we recommend that you provide an appropriate model.

We recommend that your patient model be an existing patient from your practice or Team Member who is attending the course with you  (Level 2 - Team Training course), or a family member or friend. This allows you to follow and access the results of treatment back in your own office after you’ve completed your training. Your team will also be able relate their personal treatment experience back with patients. We also recommend that you, as a practitioner, be a patient model for this reason. If you are unable to provide a patient model, you may still attend the course however your injection experience may be more limited. Please let us know at least two weeks prior to your course date if you are unable to provide or be a patient model yourself. Please refer to your Welcome Package for a marketing template you can use to share this opportunity with patients.

ONTARIO COURSES: Dentists attending the hands-on in Toronto will be limited to therapeutic-based cases only (masseter & temporalis).

Treatment Options & Fees

  • Patient models having therapeutic treatment can expect an approximate range of 70-150 units. Therapeutic treatment may be eligible for insurance coverage.
  • Patient models having aesthetic treatment typically have three out of the four areas of the upper face treated and can expect an approximate range of 60-110 units.
  • All fees are due at time of service. Patient models are responsible for the cost of their treatment, which is provided at a courtesy rate of $6/unit at the course. Practitioners often cover the cost of their patient model’s fees.

Booking & Appointments

Once you have registered for the Level 2 course, our Clinic Coordinator will reach out to you to book an appointment time for your patient model. You can also contact them at [email protected] or call 604-757-1299.

Follow-up Care & Support

After completing your training, our Clinic Coordinator will provide you with your patient's "before" photos which were taken at the course prior to them having treatment. Each practitioner is responsible for providing their patient model(s) with their two-week post-op appointment to assess results back in their own office. Your Team will want to take the Roberts Facial Rejuvenation Photography series on the patient - their "after" photos. With FACETEC, you can easily store and compare the before & after photographs. Should your require on-going support for your cases back in your practice, you can upload your case details through the "Case Support" section of the online Study Club. Dr. Roberts will review your case and provide feedback and suggestions on your markings and case details within a couple of days.


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