What to Expect in Facial Dermal Filler Training

practitioner courses training & educational resources Jan 29, 2024
what to expect in facial dermal filler training is shown on a model

Are you considering Facial Dermal Filler training? 

Whether you're a medical professional seeking to expand your services or someone interested in the aesthetic field, understanding the nuances of this training is key to providing exceptional patient care.

Level 1: Basic Facial Anatomy Review & Intro to Dermal Fillers

Level 1 lays the foundation with a focus on facial anatomy and an introduction to dermal fillers. This online, self-paced course is the first step in understanding the complexities of facial structures, crucial for effective filler application.

Level 2: Intermediate Facial Dermal Filler: Lips, Naso-Labial Folds, Cheeks

Dive deeper with Level 2, where the focus is on treating specific facial areas. This hands-on course provides practical experience with lip enhancements, nasolabial fold corrections, and cheek augmentations, ensuring you gain confidence and skill.

Level 3: Advanced Facial Dermal Filler

Level 3 is where advanced techniques come into play. Learn about cheek augmentation, temporal volume adjustments, chin enhancement, and the cannula technique. This level equips you with the skills to perform complex filler treatments safely and effectively.

Who Should Consider This Training

Ideal for both medical and non-medical practitioners, this training is for those committed to mastering the art of facial aesthetics. It's suitable for anyone looking to make a significant impact in the field of aesthetic treatments.

Preparing for Training

To get the most out of these courses, a solid understanding of basic facial anatomy is recommended. If you’re new to the field, consider brushing up on anatomy and physiology to ensure you’re well-prepared.

Post-Training Support and Integration

Post-training, you’re not alone. PTIFA offers continuous support through its online Study Club and other resources, ensuring you can integrate your new skills into your practice seamlessly.

Facial Dermal Filler training at PTIFA is more than just learning techniques; it's about comprehending the art of facial anatomy and bringing transformative aesthetic solutions to your practice. 

Ready to elevate your skills in this exciting field? 

Explore our training courses!


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