Who Can Take Botox Training?

training & educational resources Feb 19, 2017

A frequently asked question is who is able to provide Botulinum Toxin (aka Botox, Dysport) and Dermal Filler treatments, as well as who can participate in our training courses. We have answered some of the questions we receive below.

 Who can provide Botox and Dermal Filler treatment?

Botulinum Toxin is a prescription medication and treatment can only be given by a licensed dental or medical practitioner or nurse. Some provinces allow naturopaths and pharmacists to provide treatments as well. We always recommend that practitioners check-in with their local college to confirm scope and for practice guidelines, as it can vary by jurisdiction. The medication is typically distributed directly from the manufacturers directly to licensed prescribers.

What are the training requirements?

Dentists, physicians, nurses, naturopaths and pharmacists currently do not graduate with any type of formal training in the field of cosmetic injectables. In order to provide treatment, they are typically required to take post-graduate training prior to providing treatment. Please note that PTIFA is not a regulatory body, and only provides training courses. PTIFA is proud that our curriculum exceeds all regulatory standards in the world, including the highest Standard of Practice developed by the Alberta Dental Association and College. We always recommend that you check-in with your regulatory for specific guidelines in your jurisdiction.

I have another type of medical background (ie: paramedic, phlebotomist, etc), can I participate in training and provide treatment?

At this time, we are not aware of any other practitioners being able to administer treatment.  Please contact your local college directly to confirm scope and advise us if your college has formally approved treatment within your scope of practice.

What type of nurses can provide treatment, and how do we get product?

Typically nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurse, licensed nurse practitioners can take training and provide treatment. Nurses are generally required to work under the care of a prescriber (ie: physician or dentist). We always recommend you speak with your local college directly for specific guidelines and clarification. PTIFA is not a regulatory body and will always recommend you speak with your local college for details. Product is typically not sold directly to nurses from the manufacturers.

Where/how do I get product?

Upon completion of our Level 2 course, we provide instructions on how to set-up an account and order botulinum toxin and dermal filler product directly from the manufacturers.

What is the difference between "Practitioner" registration and "Team Member" registration?

PTIFA takes great pride in cross-training the entire practice on how to integrate treatment into any sort of medical practice. That's why we offer two different types of registration options for each course:

  • Practitioner Registration: this is for dentists, physicians and nurses who require injection/treatment training
  • Team Member Registration: anyone who wants to learn more about what botulinum toxin and dermal fillers are can register as a Team Member. You can take the L1 online course which provide an introduction to botulinum toxin and goes through advanced anatomy. In the Level 2 course, Team Members take separate training from Practitioners and learn all of the clinical integration (ie: how to speak to patients about treatment, what is Botox, how to do the photography, how to reconstitute & draw-up, what supplies are required and how to order, billing, insurance etc). We recommend Team Member registration for receptionists, office managers, chair-side assistants, dental assistants, hygienists and any other team member who works in a practice that offers botulinum toxin and dermal fillers treatment.

What is the best way to start my training?

We recommend getting started with the online Level 1 - Advanced Anatomy course.



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